I am NOT a Disney fanatic

Let me get that right out in the open. I am honestly not a big Disney fan. I don't have a room dedicated to Mickey Mouse (or even a shelf of knickknacks!), I don't own every Disney movie (I don't even have all the classics!), and I don't dress head to toe in red, white and black. In fact I think I only have two sweatshirts and three hats from WDW. AND YET, I absolutely love Walt Disney World in Florida. I don't know what it is about that place, but I just adore it. The details, the cleanliness, the happy and helpful people. Yeah, pretty much everything. And it doesn't hurt that the rollercoasters are pretty much as much as I can handle. So, even after taking a trip with the boys last year, I had the urge to go again this year and so back we are going. We're even staying at the same resort - Wilderness Lodge. Now I am fully convinced that part of what I love about a Disney vacation is the planning. I'm a planner/resear...